Discovering Thailand. Finding My Smile

Discovering Thailand. Finding My Smile

March 1, 2017 Bad news comes in 3’s. This was my day and it was easily the single best day that I have had in Thailand. I was back. I would do it again without hesitation. A last second check of the map at 6am as I was drinking a soy milk and eating 4 yogurts and 3...

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Thailand.  Burned (again)

Thailand. Burned (again)

Getting on a plane in India after 2 months and landing in Thailand was like an alcoholic leaving an AA meeting and going straight to Mardi Gras. Overload. The food. The conveniences. The FOOD! “Thai Suicide” is what my friend Taylor calls it, after recently cycling...

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The World Spins By is an intimate journey of loss, curiosity, and love—recounted one pedal stroke at a time along Jerry’s two-year bicycle journey back to himself.