Exploring Nepal
Adventures in Nepal
Eastern Nepal. Discovering This Country, and Myself
December 11 – 21, 2016 Every bolt on my bike. Every muscle in my body. Every bike handling skill in my repertoire. Every bit of mental tenacity and fortitude. Battle tested. Time and again. Day in, day out. What are you made of and how deep are you willing to go. This...
Nepal. Like An Old Pair of Slippers
December 2 – 10, 2016 Nepal. I keep waiting for you to let me down. To betray me. We all have our ups and downs. I’m fully expecting that old Lucy and Charlie Brown football trick. Yet, every day, I fall more in love you and this beautiful country. The people. The...
A Week ON the Sun. Learning to Get Out of My Head on Koh Phi Phi, Thailand
11/25 – 12/2/2016 What in the actual FUCK? I left the cool mountains of Nepal and arrived in the hottest place that I’ve ever been or hope to go again. I am not a beach guy. I know this and have proven it to myself enough times that I would hope I would have learned....